"Talking To God"

March 2, 2022

Hosted by,

Empowering Women Session XIII

Talking To God

Five Key Points:

  1. Be Confident and know that He hears you when you pray —I John 5:17.
  2. Be transparent. Come clean. No hidden things. —II Corin. 4:2.
  3. Don’t put your conscience away. To thine own self be true. —I Tim. 1:19.
  4. Allow the Holy Spirit to bear witness to what you pray. —Romans 9:1.
  5. Keep your heart ❤️ clean from clutter. Stay clean, you can hear God’s voice, sense His inklings, perceive His guidance so much better. Your prayers are answered so much quicker. If you have to forgive or show mercy every day do it to receive favor from God and people. —Prov 3:3-4.